venerdì 20 gennaio 2012

Part of My Life Outside Gyaru, Pt.1 School and Education.

Hello guys, sorry if I update just once-twice a week but I promise that I'll do more.
So, in this week I read a lot of interessant blogs but, problably is just me, but I would like to see more than an outfit, the real life of that gyaru, inside and outside, so I decided to speak more about my real life, starting from school.
So, for who knows me already know that I changed a lot of schools: 4 in 6 years XD (for who's thinking if my parents got pissed at least once... they get pissed a lot of times XD.) and this january I decided to drop out.
Well, it was a hard decision but I lost 2 years and although I try my marks weren't as good as I want (and in this school of lenguages if you have bad marks in 2 lenguages you lost the year, fuck <__<) so I decided to restart next year, do 2 years at once and finally finish school. For now I don't wanna go to the university, before I wanna go in Africa for do volunteer job and after that working around the world, after that comeback to Italy go to Venice for do Oriental Lenguages (Chinese at first, Japanese for second). It was hard leave my 4th class (XD LOL XD) they were like little sisters/brother to me, so I was a bit sad but they're all really intelligent and hard-working, I know that they will do a great job with their studies and they'll have a great future.

This photo was taken last December, at last school day. I had fun, I hope for them the best.
But I didn't stopped my studies at all, I study in my own for now. I love lenguages and my dream when I was a child was to be an interpreter (also be a lawyer XD) or at least an hostess, travel around the world speaking with a lof of people from different countries/cultures in their lenguages, make a lot of friends and help them. I got B1 certification in french but soon I'll get B2 certification so I don't stop to study hard french. Starting from Literature, I follow 4th grade program and now everyone is doing "La tragedie classique".

I also study spanish cuz is my second lenguage, I hope to pass C1 exam, is a very difficult exam to do, they said me that also native lenguage could have problem with this exam °-° but I wanna do it so I always do my best with resumes and grammar.

But don't forget German, when I went in my 3rd school the principal didn't allow me to go in the 4AL class (where they study english-french-german), she put me in 4CL class (where they study english-french-spanish). I was really pissed off, I really didn't want to study spanish so I studied german on my own and I still do it.

I'm still at A2 level and I hope to do an exam of B1 level sooner or later, I wanna pass some months in German, cuz there aren't a lot of german classes outside school (the few of classes that do german are in the late evening and expensive) so I prefer to live there for... 2-3 months? I would like to do it, work there, doing also the worst job ever but, fuck, do it in German... oh and of course I don't stop to study Japanese, next year I'll do the exam, level N5 (I'm not sure if I understood well the level °°) well, is like between A2 and B1 so is very basic but at least I won't do too much errors.

I'm starting to study Kanji... fuck, very difficult <___< but I won't give up.
(I didn't forgot to do photos of my english / chinese's exercise book but the photocamera was low of battery).
Well, my grammar sucks in every lenguage XD I'm serious XD no... well, in Italian no XD I have a good grammar XD but ALL other lenguages XD I really suck at studying rules I guess XD.

Well, for now is all, thanks for people who support me, next time I wanna show other size of my life... I'm undecide if show first my jobs, my extra-stuffs (like volunteer job etc.) my (boy)friend outside gyaru and internet/chat or... dunno XD today I decided to start with school, I'll make a decision when I want to do it XD.

Bye guys XD.

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